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Updated: Jun 9, 2023

Mercury Amalgam Removal | Living in Wellness GAPS Blog

You know you have mercury amalgams and you’ve heard that they are not good for you, so what do you need to consider before getting them removed?

DISCLAIMER: The information contained within this blog post is for informational purposes only. It is intended to inform the reader so they may make educated choices for themselves.

First, look for a biological dentist within your area (click HERE). It is highly recommended that you avoid removing your amalgams with a conventional dentist (or holistic dentist).

Once you’ve found one, make sure to ask a bunch of questions. Some suggested questions are noted below:

  • Do you test my nutritional values beforehand? If so, what does your nutritional protocol look like?

  • Will you make suggestions for opening up the detoxification pathways?

  • What is the procedure for removing the amalgams? What goes back in its place?

  • Will you make suggestions for chelation afterwards? If so, what does the chelation protocol look like?

Having an initial consultation with your biological dentist will help you become well informed and prepared for what to expect.

In speaking with a friend who went to a biological dentist, her description of the initial visit included the following: There is a good chance the biological dentist will give you a nutritional plan and detoxification regime that you’ll need to follow before getting your amalgams removed. Once you start following their advice, it may be many months before you actually get your amalgams removed. Those extra months after the initial consultation are essentially needed to get your body ready to handle the stress of the procedure. Because if you don’t boost your nutrition sufficiently, the biological dentist will not remove your amalgams, at least not until your laboratory test results show appropriate nutritional levels.

Now, there is always the question: should you do GAPS* before the amalgam removal? Or should one consider doing GAPS* after the amalgam removal? This comes down to “freedom of choice”, but let me give you some things to consider to make the decision that is most appropriate for you.

Doing GAPS* leading up to the Amalgam Removal

If you choose to do GAPS* before consulting with a biological dentist, you are effectively “getting ahead of the game”! The GAPS* Protocol will boost nutrition and open up your detoxification pathways. So in essence you will hopefully be better off when you do decided to approach your biological dentist.

Although just because you are doing GAPS*, doesn’t mean the biological dentist will treat you any different from other patients. Your nutritional values will still likely be tested and you will get a tailored nutritional plan to boost your levels within range. You’ll likely still be required to follow detoxification protocols to continue to further detoxify. All this will be required leading up to the actual date when the removal will be performed.

Choosing not to do GAPS* before having your Amalgams Removed

Ultimately, there is nothing preventing you from going straight to the biological dentist and skipping GAPS*. You’ll be put on their nutritional protocol and follow their detoxification regime.

Keep in mind that at any point in time leading up to the amalgam removal, you can incorporate GAPS* in combination with the protocol the biological dentist has you following. GAPS* will complement their program and can be considered something to fall back on if you are not seeing much success.

Choosing to do GAPS* after having you Amalgams Removed

Some people think it’s better to spend the effort to do GAPS* after their amalgams are removed… This is totally an option to consider.

If you want to add GAPS* into your recovery program, it adds an extra layer of care… GAPS* goes above-and-beyond to help you deal with the aftereffects of the amalgam removal. It’ll help your body to cope with the repair, the natural chelation/detox and the healing. Speak with your biological dentist to understand their recovery program so you can determine how GAPS* can complement it.

Hopefully you’ve taken away some good information from the points noted above and are able to make wise choices going forward! I admire everyone that is brave enough to remove their amalgams and optimistically hope that the future ahead is in better wellness for each one of you!


NOTE: This blog post has been written based on a conversation with a friend that went to a biological dentist. Keep in mind, your experience could be different and varied from hers.


Coming to GAPS* after having amalgams removed from a Conventional Dentist

Now if you didn’t go to a biological dentist and unfortunately are seeing adverse health issues arise after amalgam removal from a conventional dentist, then you’ll want to consider the GAPS* Protocol. The protocol helps to boost nutrition so that the body is better equipped to rebalance/repair itself and it opens detoxification pathways to remove toxins. You’ll also want to incorporate chelation to help the body remove the mercury toxicity. In Becky Plotner’s book “GAPS, Stage-by-Stage, with Recipes” she indicates that “chelation is started three months after the last amalgam is removed at the earliest, six months is better”. It is most highly recommended that you work with a Certified GAPS* Practitioner (CGP) when doing chelation. They’ll be able to recommend different types of chelators, so you’ll be able to choose which one will work best for you and your circumstances. They’ll also be able to help you troubleshoot any issues that arise when doing the chelation.

A Certified GAPS* Coach (CGC) is not able to provide guidance with chelating. However, they are there to offer moral support and help you support your body with GAPS* nutrition/detoxification that is needed for the chelation.


Certified GAPS* Practitioners that are capable of helping with chelation:

Further Resources:

Great books to read on Chelation:

‘The Mercury Detoxification Manual’ by Rebecca Rust Lee

‘Amalgam Illness – diagnosis and treatment’ by Andrew Cutler

YouTube Videos on Chelation:

Informational Websites & Blog Postings on Iodine:

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