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Updated: Jun 9, 2023

Internal Iodine | Living in Wellness GAPS Blog

This blog posting is specifically related to internal iodine. For information on external iodine painting, read more about it in Dr. Natasha’s blue GAPS* book on page 69 or within the following blog titled ‘External Iodine Painting’. You can also visit this blog post HERE or the You Tube video HERE by Be Well Clinic.

DISCLAIMER: Internal iodine is to be done under the guidance of a Certified GAPS* Practitioner (CGP). The information contained within this blog is for informational purposes only. It is intended to educate the reader so they may choose whether they want to incorporate internal iodine into their GAPS* journey.

Who may gain benefit from doing internal iodine with a Certified GAPS* Practitioner (CGP)?

People with the following symptoms or conditions listed below have the most to gain by doing internal iodine.




  • Atherosclerosis

  • Breast Disease, Fibrocystic Breasts

  • Dupuytren’s Contracture

  • Hypertension

  • Liver Disease

  • Nephrotic Syndrome

  • Ovarian Disease

  • Prostate Disorders

  • Thyroid Disorders (Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s, Grave’s Disease)

How do I know if I am iodine deficient?

Here is a simple test to determine if you are iodine deficient: Paint a thin patch, the size of your hand, of Lugol’s iodine onto a non-sensitive area of skin. If it disappears in less than 24 hours, your body is in need of iodine.

What does the procedure look like for internal iodine when working with a CGP?

Here is a high-level summary of what to expect.

Step 1

Measure your average 5-day basil body temperature to create a starting point. You’ll need a thermometer. A mercury thermometer is best, but a digital thermometer is equally okay and more convenient. Over a 5-day period you will measure your body temperature and calculate an average for the 5 days. You should measure your temperature in the morning directly after waking and before you get out of bed. As soon as your eyes open, stick the thermometer into your armpit and clamp down so it can gain a good temperature reading (forewarning, the thermometer tip may be cold upon application, but you get used to it after a while). Each day you measure your armpit temperature, but you are going to alternate between the left armpit and the right armpit. So that means one day you will measure your left armpit temperature, and then the next day you measure the right armpit temperature.

The Optimal Range is 36.5°C-36.7°C (97.8°F - 98.2°F)

If you are outside this range, internal iodine will help to slowly bring you back into range.

Step 2

Start salt loading in combination with selenium loading for a minimum of 2 weeks. It is recommended that Celtic sea salt is used. The salt loading will gradually help to detox the body from halides and reduce the chance of bromism when starting internal iodine. The second component is selenium, where we want to hyper-nourish the body with plenty of selenium. This helps to reduce the chance of Hashimoto’s when starting internal iodine.

IMPORTANT: Don’t get excited and jump the gun on purchasing a selenium supplement. There is a specific type of selenium that should be used. Other types of selenium could cause issues and it is also important to avoid fillers/additives that could cause more harm. It is recommended to work with a CGP to select the type/brand of selenium that is right for you.

Step 3

In combination with the temperature measuring, the salt loading and the selenium loading, you can now introduce internal iodine at a very slow and steady pace. The starting dosage of internal iodine should be discussed with your CGP.

The rate at which you increase the internal iodine dosage is dependent on your symptoms. There are specific symptoms that will indicate you are taking too much at one time. You can discuss what symptoms to look out for with your CGP.

Equally important is the fact that the goal is to use internal iodine to get within the optimal basil body temperature range. By getting into a groove of measuring your daily basil body temperature, you can determine whether you are getting closer to the optimal range. This is another indication of how fast or slow you should proceed with the internal iodine dosages. Your CGP should be able to discuss this more with you.

NOTE: Lugol’s iodine is the brand to use! It provides the body with both potassium iodine and potassium iodide. The body needs both forms of iodine and substituting Lugol’s for another brand that doesn’t have both components will not have the same effects.

Step 4

Enjoy the benefits of your efforts and spread your story to those willing to listen! If your story resonates with someone else out there, hopefully you are helping them to put their health in their own hands and pursue the journey to better wellness!

Now you’re probably asking: How long should you need to take internal iodine? It’s all bio-individual! Some people need to consistently do it daily for many years as part of regular health maintenance. So plan for the worst and hope for the best! This way you won’t get your hopes too high! And if anything, hopefully the benefits will outweigh the daily maintenance!

IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended that you work with a knowledgeable CGP when preparing for and ingesting internal iodine. Iodine is anti-bacteria, anti-parasitic and anti-viral. When you disrupt the microbial balance within the body by ingesting internal iodine, a CGP will be able to guide your through the die-off symptoms and help you with troubleshooting.


Certified GAPS* Practitioners that are capable of helping with internal iodine:

Working with Living in Wellness Coaching Services:

Tania Macijuk is a Certified GAPS* Coach (CGC), writer of this blog, and founder of Living in Wellness Coaching Services. She has personally done internal iodine and can relate. If you need assistance with understanding which foods help to boost nutrition, or help with detoxification issues while doing internal iodine, then feel free to book a consultation today. Advice on the implementation of the internal iodine protocol is beyond the scope of services for a CGC and should be addressed by a Certified GAPS* Practitioner.

Further Resources:

Great books to read on Iodine:

  • ‘Iodine, Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It’ by David Brownstein

  • ‘The Iodine Crisis, What You Don’t Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life’ by Lynne Farrow

  • ‘Healing With Iodine, Your Missing Link To Better Health’ by Mark Sircus

  • ‘GAPS, Stage-by-Stage, with Recipes’ by Becky Plotner (p.16-18)

Informational Websites & Blog Postings on Iodine:

Nourishing Plot – Lugol’s 5% iodine recipe

Nourishing Plot – Iodine, A ph adaptogen

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